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Où trouver des références de qualité pour documenter un travail scientifique?

Les ouvrages imprimés restent utiles et sont disponibles à la bibliothèque de la Faculté Polytechnqiue à la rue de Houdain, mais également dans les bibliothèques des services facultaires. Le service de génie mécanique dispose d’une collection d’ouvrages de références en construction des machines, en technologie des fabrications, en organisation de la production et de la maintenance.

Les ressources électroniques en ligne sont répertoriées par les bibliothèques de l’UMONS https://web.umons.ac.be/fr/bibliotheques/ressources-electroniques/

Il faut être connecté sur le réseau de l’Université pour en bénéficier pleinement et donc recourir au bureau virtuel si vous souhaitez y accéder de chez vous.

Nous vous recommandons particulièrement les ouvrages publiés chez Springer et les articles chez ScienceDirect.

Schémas et symboles: quelques références

Communiquer efficacement au sujet d’un projet technologique implique le recours à des schémas aussi clairs que possible explicitant les principes de fonctionnement.

Chaque domaine technique (cinématique, thermodynamique, électrique, électronique, piping, bâtiment, …) dispose de ses propres conventions et usages et il n’est pas simple de s’y retrouver, d’autant plus que la normalisation n’est pas toujours complète ou reste souvent inaccessible. Le site du Bureau de Normalisation belge peut vous donner accès aux normes si votre établissement a conclu un accord de consultation (c’est la cas de l’UMONS).

Voici quelques liens pour trouver l’information recherchée.

Liaisons cinématiques et organes transmission de puissance : formulaire SCHL (NBN ISO 3952-1, 3952-2, 3952-3)

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) : NBN EN ISO 10628-2, site Projectmaterials

Symboles électriques : norme IEEE 315

Summer course 2020 on Knowledge, analysis and prevention of failures

Statistical reliability engineering : failure time distributions and safety factors in mechanical design

Why and how to define failure time distributions (like Weibull)

Understand the nature of reliability factors in mechanical design.

Reliability-centred maintenance strategies to manage failures in industry 4.0

How to organize the management of maintenance to prevent or to resolve failures in industrial assets: basics of failure mode effect analysis, predictive maintenance and expected evolutions in industry 4.0

Book your appointment with me in Machine Design and Production Engineering Lab!

It is quite easy to meet in the Department of Machine Design and Production Engineering, rue du Joncquois!

If stakeholders (colleagues, students, industrial partners, …) must be present, please contact them before about their own availability to join the meeting.

Please use the booking system:


Select date and time

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I will confirm your booking as soon as possible. Feel free to send my a SMS on +32 499 779900 if needed.

Some guidelines for your report

Here are some requirements for any written report.

  • A title must be provided with the following information: subject title, your name (with co-authors, if any), current date, Lab for Machine Design and Production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons.
  • All pages must be numbered (except the title page).
  • Figures and tables should appear with a reference number and a caption. They must be referred to from the text. If your figure or table is based on another author’s, include the appropriate citation at the end of the caption.
  • Bibliographical references should be provided according to a common standard. Have a look to any published book or paper to get a consistent style for your bibliography.


An Ideal Library for Machine Design Projects

Besides the lecture notes of the courses available from the Moodle platform, the students in mechanical engineering could be interested to know which books would be valuable for their personal bookshelf, especially in the perspective of the mechanical design project. It is possible to find valuable information on the Internet, but nothing replaces a printed document to get a complete overview on different technological options or high quality figures.

This is a first selection that will be completed over time. Do not hesitate to recommend your own proposals.

#1. A technological engineering handbook. Mémotech “Conception et dessin”  (Claude Barlier , René Bourgeois, Mémotech, Casteilla, 2011)  is a must-have with more than 650 pages of technical data and accurate design rules.

#2. A bearing catalogue (write to a distributor to get a paper copy)

#3. The Design of Rolling Bearing Mountings by Schlaeffer. (Print and bind it!)

#4. A coursebook on machine design written in English. (Fundamentals of Machine Elements by Bernard Hamrock et al., Machine Design – An Integrated Approach by Robert L. Norton, Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook by Peter R.N. Childs, …)

#5. A collection of printed catalogues for belts, chains, electrical motors, sealings, … (write to distributors)

#6. A general engineering handbook (Dubbel Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau, available in English; Mechanical Design Handbook by Harold A. Rothbart)

#7. A coursebook on machine design written in German

References #1, #2 and #3 are essential.

How to improve your culture in mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering cannot be reduced to academic syllabuses: so many concepts, tricks and tips can only be learned from practitioners or on the field.

Reading of professional literature can very very helpful to get acquainted with the jargon:

I suggest some newspaper and brochures that are freely available and worth being read:

SSAB World to learn a lot about steel
Evolution magazine to learn about bearings

Which relations between maintenance operations and risk management?

This is the question addressed by Mrs Soumia Hadni in her PhD thesis entitled “Maintenance Impact on Safety”. On the one hand, look maintenance reduces the probability of major risk hazard for the process. On the other hand, the inspection/repair/replacement activity induces a specific risk related to the maintenance action . We believe it is worth to estimate both, at least in a rough model.

Her public defence will be held in French this Tiesday 24 November at 9:30 AM, Auditorium 5, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons, Rue de Houdain 9, Mons and will be  open for a wide audience. Everybody is welcome.

summary is available here.

A few tips to improve my presentation in front of a panel of industrial experts

The students of our Faculty of Engineering have the opportunity to present some of their personal works (mechanical design projects, master’s theses, …) in front of a panel of experts coming from the industrial or business world. As academic people could have a different sensitivity regarding the outcomes, it is fruitful to develop an appropriate communication strategy. 

Here are some tips to improve your communication.

  • Identify yourself
  • Be aware of economical issues
  • Check if the data used for the validation of your methodology are realistic or not. Even if published in the scientific literature, this is not necessarily the case.
  • In your conclusion, prove how an enterprise can get the benefit of the scientific work you produced.

Mission to Russia

From this Easter Sunday, look a joint delegation from the University of Mons and the University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis will conduct a mission to Russia to meet their academic partners. The number of students interested in Russian language and culture is increasing more and more: the action of the Russian Centre at UMONS is certainly not unrelated to this. This justifies the strengthening of existing institutional agreements and the negociation of new ones. UMONS has significant scientific collaborations in Russia, case particularly in the field of photonics and telecommunications.
Anne Godart and Daria Balandina, colleagues of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, and Pierre Dehombreux, Vice-Rector for International Relations will visit the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical LETI University and the State Pedagogical University of Russia Herzen. In Moscow, the delegation will attend the Franco-Russian forum for railway training, which is organized at the State University of Railway Engineering MIIT and will be welcomed at the State Pedagogical University MPGU and State University Lomonosov where six students of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation have an internship. Finally, Mons delegation will visit the State Pedagogical University of Yaroslavl , a city of 600 000 inhabitants located 250 km north – east of Moscow.

See our dedicated brochure: UMONS_UVHC_Russia2014