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Où trouver des références de qualité pour documenter un travail scientifique?

Les ouvrages imprimés restent utiles et sont disponibles à la bibliothèque de la Faculté Polytechnqiue à la rue de Houdain, mais également dans les bibliothèques des services facultaires. Le service de génie mécanique dispose d’une collection d’ouvrages de références en construction des machines, en technologie des fabrications, en organisation de la production et de la maintenance.

Les ressources électroniques en ligne sont répertoriées par les bibliothèques de l’UMONS https://web.umons.ac.be/fr/bibliotheques/ressources-electroniques/

Il faut être connecté sur le réseau de l’Université pour en bénéficier pleinement et donc recourir au bureau virtuel si vous souhaitez y accéder de chez vous.

Nous vous recommandons particulièrement les ouvrages publiés chez Springer et les articles chez ScienceDirect.

Diagrams and symbols : some references

Communicating effectively about a technological project involves the use of diagrams. They must be as clear as possible to explain the operating principles.

Each technical field (kinematics, thermodynamics, electrical, electronics, piping, building, etc.) has its own conventions. It is not easy to handle, especially since standardization is not always complete or often remains inaccessible. The site of the Belgian Standardization Office can give you access to standards if your establishment has entered into a consultation agreement (this is the case with UMONS).

Here are some links to find the information you are looking for.

Kinematic links and power transmission components: form SCHL (NBN ISO 3952-1, 3952-2, 3952-3)

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID): NBN EN ISO 10628-2, Projectmaterials site

Electrical symbols: IEEE 315 standard

Schémas et symboles: quelques références

Communiquer efficacement au sujet d’un projet technologique implique le recours à des schémas aussi clairs que possible explicitant les principes de fonctionnement.

Chaque domaine technique (cinématique, thermodynamique, électrique, électronique, piping, bâtiment, …) dispose de ses propres conventions et usages et il n’est pas simple de s’y retrouver, d’autant plus que la normalisation n’est pas toujours complète ou reste souvent inaccessible. Le site du Bureau de Normalisation belge peut vous donner accès aux normes si votre établissement a conclu un accord de consultation (c’est la cas de l’UMONS).

Voici quelques liens pour trouver l’information recherchée.

Liaisons cinématiques et organes transmission de puissance : formulaire SCHL (NBN ISO 3952-1, 3952-2, 3952-3)

Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) : NBN EN ISO 10628-2, site Projectmaterials

Symboles électriques : norme IEEE 315

Summer course 2020 on Knowledge, analysis and prevention of failures

Statistical reliability engineering : failure time distributions and safety factors in mechanical design

Why and how to define failure time distributions (like Weibull)

Understand the nature of reliability factors in mechanical design.

Reliability-centred maintenance strategies to manage failures in industry 4.0

How to organize the management of maintenance to prevent or to resolve failures in industrial assets: basics of failure mode effect analysis, predictive maintenance and expected evolutions in industry 4.0

A list of electronic abbreviations and acronyms

Do not hesitate to send me proposals for missing entries!

AFP Atomic Force Probing
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
CAFM Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CTE Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
DIP Dual in-line plastic package
DUT Device Under Test
EBAC Electron Beam Absorbed Current
EBIC Electron Beam Induced Current
EBSC Electron Backscatter Diffraction
EFI Electrical Fault Isolation
EOS Electrical Overstress
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
FIB Focused Ion Beam
GB Grain Boundaries
IC Integrated Circuit
LSI Large Scale Integration
LVP Low Visibility Procedure
OBIRCH Optical Beam Induced Resistance Change
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PVC Passive Voltage Contrast
RCI Resistive Contrast Imaging
ROI Region of Interest
RST Remaining Siclicium Thickness
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SMU Source Measure Unit
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
TEM Transmission Electronic Microscopy
TMA Thermomechanical Analysis
VDD Voltage Drain Drain (positive)
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
VSS Voltage Source Source (negative, ground)
XRM X-Ray Microscope

Interesting conferences

Qualita 2019 Montréal, Canada 2019, June 25 – June 28
IESM 2019 Shanghai, Canada 2019, September 25 – September 27

7 Mons’quetaires, winners of the Eurobot 2018 competition

Congratulations to the students of Polytech Mons, winners of the Eurobot 2018 contest. This international competition brings together the best 35 national teams selected during national contests: Algeria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland,Taiwan, Tunisia, United Kingdom

Their engineering background, innovative skills and stong commitment led them to the top of the podium, and into the hearts of their many fans.

Anyone will be happy to watch over and over again the tremendous matches during the competition available from YouTube

Eight final (1:00:00), TURAG (Germany, TU Dresden) video   (188-111)

Quarter-final (1:39:00), CVRA (Switzerland, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Renens) (264-102)

Semi-final (2:15:00), Robotic Legends (France, Polytech Montpellier) (299-280)

Final (3:09:45 and 3:21:20), Polybot (Algeria, Ecole Polytechnique d’Alger) (274-107 and 162-115)

7 Mons’quetaires were unbeaten during the national and international series. This is the first time in twenty years that a Belgian teams win the Eurobot. Just keep in mind that more than 200 international teams are in competition !

A list of industrial maintenance acronyms and abbreviations

Do not hesitate to send us proposals for missing entries!

A Availability
ABAO As bad as old
AGAN As good as new
AHP Analytical hierarchy process
AM Asset management
ANP Analytic network process
BN Bayesian network
BOM Bill of materials
BSC Balanced score card
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CBM Condition based maintenance
CM Corrective maintenance
CTQ Critical to quality characteristics
CMMS Computerized maintenance management system
CPM Critical path method
DMAIC Define, measure, analyse, improve, control
DOM Design-out maintenance
DPMO Defect per million opportunities
EOL End of life
ERP Enterprise resource planning
ETA Event tree analysis
EUC Equipment under control
FBM Failure based maintenance
FMEA Failure mode and effect analysis
FTA Fault tree analysis
HAZAN Hazard and risk analysis
HAZOP Hazard and operational study
IoT Internet of things
KPI Key performance indicator
LCC Life cycle cost
LCP Life cycle profit
LMP Life management programme
LSS Lean Six Sigma
MCDM Multi criteria decision making
MDT Mean down time
MES Manufacturing execution system
MRO Maintenance, Repair and Operations
MTBF Mean time between failures
MUT Mean up time
OE Original equipment
OEE Overall equipment effectiveness
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OEM/R Remanufacturer
OM Opportunistic maintenance
OPEX Operational expenditure
PDCA Plan, do, check, act
PDMP Piecewise determinsitic Markov process
PM Preventive maintenance
PSR Periodic safety review
RAMS Reliability, availability, maintainability, safety
RBIM Risk based inspection and maintenance
RBM Risk based maintenance
RCM Reliability centered maintenance
RFID Radio-frequency identification
ROI Return on investment
RPN Risk priority number
SIL Safty integrity level
SIOPC Supplier input process output customer
SIS Safety instrumented system
SMED Single minute exchange of dies
SSC Structure, system and components
STO Shutdowns, turnarounds, outages
TAR Turnaround
TBM Time based maintenance
TTF Time to failure
TPM Total productive maintenance
TPS Toyota Production System
TQM Total quality management
VOC Voice of customer

Book your appointment with me in Machine Design and Production Engineering Lab!

It is quite easy to meet in the Department of Machine Design and Production Engineering, rue du Joncquois!

If stakeholders (colleagues, students, industrial partners, …) must be present, please contact them before about their own availability to join the meeting.

Please use the booking system:


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I will confirm your booking as soon as possible. Feel free to send my a SMS on +32 499 779900 if needed.

Some guidelines for your report

Here are some requirements for any written report.

  • A title must be provided with the following information: subject title, your name (with co-authors, if any), current date, Lab for Machine Design and Production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mons.
  • All pages must be numbered (except the title page).
  • Figures and tables should appear with a reference number and a caption. They must be referred to from the text. If your figure or table is based on another author’s, include the appropriate citation at the end of the caption.
  • Bibliographical references should be provided according to a common standard. Have a look to any published book or paper to get a consistent style for your bibliography.