Home » Reliability and Maintenance » A list of industrial maintenance acronyms and abbreviations

A list of industrial maintenance acronyms and abbreviations

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A Availability
ABAO As bad as old
AGAN As good as new
AHP Analytical hierarchy process
AM Asset management
ANP Analytic network process
BN Bayesian network
BOM Bill of materials
BSC Balanced score card
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CBM Condition based maintenance
CM Corrective maintenance
CTQ Critical to quality characteristics
CMMS Computerized maintenance management system
CPM Critical path method
DMAIC Define, measure, analyse, improve, control
DOM Design-out maintenance
DPMO Defect per million opportunities
EOL End of life
ERP Enterprise resource planning
ETA Event tree analysis
EUC Equipment under control
FBM Failure based maintenance
FMEA Failure mode and effect analysis
FTA Fault tree analysis
HAZAN Hazard and risk analysis
HAZOP Hazard and operational study
IoT Internet of things
KPI Key performance indicator
LCC Life cycle cost
LCP Life cycle profit
LMP Life management programme
LSS Lean Six Sigma
MCDM Multi criteria decision making
MDT Mean down time
MES Manufacturing execution system
MRO Maintenance, Repair and Operations
MTBF Mean time between failures
MUT Mean up time
OE Original equipment
OEE Overall equipment effectiveness
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OEM/R Remanufacturer
OM Opportunistic maintenance
OPEX Operational expenditure
PDCA Plan, do, check, act
PDMP Piecewise determinsitic Markov process
PM Preventive maintenance
PSR Periodic safety review
RAMS Reliability, availability, maintainability, safety
RBIM Risk based inspection and maintenance
RBM Risk based maintenance
RCM Reliability centered maintenance
RFID Radio-frequency identification
ROI Return on investment
RPN Risk priority number
SIL Safty integrity level
SIOPC Supplier input process output customer
SIS Safety instrumented system
SMED Single minute exchange of dies
SSC Structure, system and components
STO Shutdowns, turnarounds, outages
TAR Turnaround
TBM Time based maintenance
TTF Time to failure
TPM Total productive maintenance
TPS Toyota Production System
TQM Total quality management
VOC Voice of customer

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