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A | Availability |
ABAO | As bad as old |
AGAN | As good as new |
AHP | Analytical hierarchy process |
AM | Asset management |
ANP | Analytic network process |
BN | Bayesian network |
BOM | Bill of materials |
BSC | Balanced score card |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure |
CBM | Condition based maintenance |
CM | Corrective maintenance |
CTQ | Critical to quality characteristics |
CMMS | Computerized maintenance management system |
CPM | Critical path method |
DMAIC | Define, measure, analyse, improve, control |
DOM | Design-out maintenance |
DPMO | Defect per million opportunities |
EOL | End of life |
ERP | Enterprise resource planning |
ETA | Event tree analysis |
EUC | Equipment under control |
FBM | Failure based maintenance |
FMEA | Failure mode and effect analysis |
FTA | Fault tree analysis |
HAZAN | Hazard and risk analysis |
HAZOP | Hazard and operational study |
IoT | Internet of things |
KPI | Key performance indicator |
LCC | Life cycle cost |
LCP | Life cycle profit |
LMP | Life management programme |
LSS | Lean Six Sigma |
MCDM | Multi criteria decision making |
MDT | Mean down time |
MES | Manufacturing execution system |
MRO | Maintenance, Repair and Operations |
MTBF | Mean time between failures |
MUT | Mean up time |
OE | Original equipment |
OEE | Overall equipment effectiveness |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer |
OEM/R | Remanufacturer |
OM | Opportunistic maintenance |
OPEX | Operational expenditure |
PDCA | Plan, do, check, act |
PDMP | Piecewise determinsitic Markov process |
PM | Preventive maintenance |
PSR | Periodic safety review |
RAMS | Reliability, availability, maintainability, safety |
RBIM | Risk based inspection and maintenance |
RBM | Risk based maintenance |
RCM | Reliability centered maintenance |
RFID | Radio-frequency identification |
ROI | Return on investment |
RPN | Risk priority number |
SIL | Safty integrity level |
SIOPC | Supplier input process output customer |
SIS | Safety instrumented system |
SMED | Single minute exchange of dies |
SSC | Structure, system and components |
STO | Shutdowns, turnarounds, outages |
TAR | Turnaround |
TBM | Time based maintenance |
TTF | Time to failure |
TPM | Total productive maintenance |
TPS | Toyota Production System |
TQM | Total quality management |
VOC | Voice of customer |