Write to me
E-mail is my favorite media : pierre.dehombreux@umons.ac.be
My postal address is :
UMONS – Faculté Polytechnique
Service de génie mécanique
Rue du Joncquois 53 B-7000 Mons (Belgium)
Call me
I would rather use my mobile phone for emergency situations: +32 (499) 779900.
Multimedia is more funny: invite me on Skype (pierre.dehombreux@umons.ac.be as identifier).
Visit me
The University of Mons has many buildings in the city. It is not frequent to meet twice at the same location. Keep this in mind!
My office is located at:
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Know more about me
We may link through different social networking sites: LinkedIn (with some comments on associations of university professors), …
Follow me through OrcID, ResearchGate